2023 Fast & Prayer Resource Page
Sin, Repentance, Holiness, and Revival

The resources below are not in a specific order. They are intended to assist various spiritual needs that arise while fasting and praying. It is likely most will not use every resource. A brief description accompanies each resource to assist you in determining its helpfulness. While the resources are in no specific order, a suggested first step is resource one, “Where to Begin”.

Where to Begin

How to use the resource list

Repentance (turning from sin to God) Questions

Questions used to help search your heart for things that may need repentance

Pick up a copy at the Connection Center 

Proud vs Broken / Humble People 

An aid to help you understand what pride looks like in your life contrasted to humility, coming under the leadership of God

8 R’s to Walking in Freedom

8 Basic steps to help recognize and remove the sin in your life

Prayer of Repentance

A sample prayer or repentance to help you get started

Who I am In Christ

This is to help you understand who you are as a child of God and the power He gave you to overcome the demonic and temptation

Scripture Verses to help you replace the lies you believe with biblical truth

As you work through the repentance process, you will discover lies the demonic has confused with biblical truth. The key is to replace the lies from the demonic with the truth of God. The following scriptures are listed by the topics we will focus on for our fast and prayer.