Adult Sunday School Classes

The Holy Spirit
Life Center Lobby
Teaching Series by Pastor Daniel Betzer "He is the only One who can bring a person to God. He is vital to every follower of Jesus Christ." Pastor Dan Betzer Teacher: David King
Overcoming the Battle in the Mind Women's Class
Life Center Classroom #6
Overcoming the Battle in the Mind Women's Course will study together in Life Center classroom #6. The Bible will be used to identify and overcome unwanted thoughts that come from self and evil powers. Classes will meet at 8:45 am to 9:45 am. from March 23 - May 11.
Enter His Gates Prayer Gathering
Gathering Room
An ongoing opportunity for prayer is available each week at 8:45 am in the Prayer Room located on the south side of the sanctuary. This is a time of corporate prayer and praise to worship the Lord as well as prayer for themes placed on hearts by the Holy Spirit for our church, community, and world. Scripture is incorporated and discussed prior to prayer. This gathering is open to all ages. Facilitator: Teresa Bailey
Overcoming the Battle in the Mind Men's Class
Life Center Classroom #8
Overcoming the Battle in the Mind Men's Course will study together in Life Center classroom #8. The Bible will be used to identify and overcome unwanted thoughts that come from self and evil powers. Classes will meet at 8:45 am to 9:45 am. from March 30 - May 11.
Culture Shock- Chip Ingram
Life Center Classroom #3
Where do you stand on issues like: Truth, Sex, Homosexuality, Abortion, the Environment, and the Church and Politics? More importantly, what does God say? More than ever before, believers must develop convictions based on research, reason, and biblical truth. But it doesn’t stop there. It’s equally important that you’re able (and willing) to communicate these convictions with a love and respect that reflects God’s love. This series will help you learn how to respond with love, even in the face of controversy. In the process, you’ll discover the power of bringing light–not heat–to the core issues at the heart of society today. Teacher: Steve Myers
Crown Online Money Life Class
Life Center Classroom #4
Crown Online Money Life Class offers a personal finance study with accompanying videos to guide you through God's teaching on money. The course will be led by Vickie Hicks in the Castine Life Center beginning on March 23 during the Sunday School Hour. (8:45 - 9:45) Participants will be required to purchase the online resource at Crown Financial to access the program and resources.