Part 1: Faith Under Fire 

Day 1: Sometimes they kill the messenger

Jeremiah 26

No one likes to be the bringer of bad news, especially if there is conflict after. Telling an aging parent they may have to downsize, telling a child it is time to use deodorant, or a business partner that they are not pulling their weight can be very uncomfortable. They often reject the messenger as they reject the message, as if what you are saying is personal. In some households the avoidance of conflict makes things so tense that the room almost lacks oxygen.  

Imagine being in Jeremiah and Uriah’s shoes, bringing oracles of Judgement to the king of Judah and his entourage. These men literally have the power of life and death over their subjects. We even see them exercise that power when they go back after Uriah and kill him for giving the same message that Jeremiah gave. Jeremiah is spared, but this is not the last time he will face risk for the message he brings. In coming days we will explore more of those incidents.  

There are going to be times that the message of Jesus Christ brings rejection. Rejection does not mean you are doing it wrong. Remember, Jesus did it so right they crucified him. The apostles rejoice in joining Jesus in his suffering when they are flogged for preaching the Gospel in The Book of Acts. Rejection should not stop our proclaiming the Gospel. In fact, we should reject “people pleasing.” People pleasing is not a Gospel value. Riding yourself of people pleasing will be an important step in having faith under fire.

  1.  How do you handle getting bad news? Are you gracious, argumentative, do you wilt? 
  2. What is the hardest news you ever had to deliver? 
  3. Have you ever found that you were unpopular for sharing God’s word? 
  4. Is there someone that you need to apologize to for “killing the messenger” on news you did not want to hear? 
Prayer For Missionaries: O LORD Jesus Christ, the Desire of all nations, who didst come down from heaven to seek and to save the lost; Grant thy blessing, we beseech thee, upon thy missionary servants who are carrying the light of thy Gospel to the dark places of the earth. Preserve them from every danger to which they may be exposed; from perils by land and sea, from persecution and pestilence, from discouragement in their labours, and from the devices of the adversary. May they see thy work prospering in their hands; and do thou hasten the time, O gracious Saviour, when the multitude of the heathen shall be gathered into thy fold, and when all in every land who neglect thy salvation shall be converted unto thee. And to thee, Lord Jesus, be the praise; unto whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen.