The Lord's Supper 2022
Come and join us as we celebrate our Lord’s Supper on Sunday Oct. 2 after our church service at 11:30 in the Life Center. Families will be able to sit together as we have a time of self-examination followed by a fellowship meal of Shephard Pie (hamburger, mashed potatoes & cheese), salad & applesauce (mac & cheese & hot dogs for the kids). We will then have some testimonies in place of feet washing (The Deacons have decided that we will continue to follow Jesus’ example of washing feet on our Maundy Thursday Lord’s Supper {Easter} but on World Communion Sunday {1st Sunday of October} we will have testimonies by others of ways to serve and ways they have been served in place of feet washing). We will conclude with bread and cup communion. All who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and their families, are welcome to come and join us.