Becoming a Part of the Castine Family Class
On September 11 and 18, 2022, there will be an opportunity for those wishing to take the step of signing a Congregational Agreement, which connects you as a member of Castine Church. This class will help someone better understand who Castine is and what we are seeking to accomplish. Because we believe becoming a part of a church is a major step, this class provides helpful information to make an informed decision.
Castine’s purpose, goals, and values are explained along with our primary means of communication. The leadership structure and important policies will also be discussed. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions about these items. Finally, the opportunity is made available to sign a Congregational Agreement. This agreement is the official document that indicates someone is a member at Castine.
You may wonder who should take this class. Anyone who wishes to sign a Congregation Agreement for the first time (something required to influence the direction of the church through voting and the beginning of the pathway to serve in leadership) must take the class. It is helpful to also know that a person may take the class only for information with no intention of signing a Congregational Agreement. Therefore, two options are open for the class: One, signing an Agreement at its conclusion; or, two, entering the class unsure of a decision but desirous of knowing more about foundational pieces of Castine’s ministry.
Some may question what preparation is needed to take the class. No preparation is needed, but we would like you to sign up so we can plan for your arrival. However, while those under 18 may attend (each should be prepared to sit respectfully for an hour), only those 18 and over may sign a Congregational Agreement.
The class will be in Pastor Greg’s office. If you would like to attend, please sign up using the Castine Church App or stop at a Connection Center.
Castine’s purpose, goals, and values are explained along with our primary means of communication. The leadership structure and important policies will also be discussed. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions about these items. Finally, the opportunity is made available to sign a Congregational Agreement. This agreement is the official document that indicates someone is a member at Castine.
You may wonder who should take this class. Anyone who wishes to sign a Congregation Agreement for the first time (something required to influence the direction of the church through voting and the beginning of the pathway to serve in leadership) must take the class. It is helpful to also know that a person may take the class only for information with no intention of signing a Congregational Agreement. Therefore, two options are open for the class: One, signing an Agreement at its conclusion; or, two, entering the class unsure of a decision but desirous of knowing more about foundational pieces of Castine’s ministry.
Some may question what preparation is needed to take the class. No preparation is needed, but we would like you to sign up so we can plan for your arrival. However, while those under 18 may attend (each should be prepared to sit respectfully for an hour), only those 18 and over may sign a Congregational Agreement.
The class will be in Pastor Greg’s office. If you would like to attend, please sign up using the Castine Church App or stop at a Connection Center.
Posted in CastineConnect