Operation Christmas Child 2023

What do you think of when you hear Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Maybe, you think of a colorful shoebox, a charity for children in need in far away places, or a way to spread joy around the world. OCC is all of these things but it is much, much more than a charity. It is a Gospel Opportunity to share Jesus in places where other evangelistic efforts are not allowed. It is Discipleship, when shoebox recipients participate in “The Greatest Journey”, a follow up discipleship course for new believers. It is Multiplication of believers, as the impact of each shoebox results in 10 people hearing the Gospel and communities being transformed by its power. And it’s Church Planting all over the world, when people in isolated and unreached people groups are learning about Jesus for the first time and new churches are starting! In other words…OCC is a simple way to impact the world for Eternity!
This year, our church will provide and collect shoeboxes October 15th through November 12th. Castine Church will pay the $10 shipping fee for each filled box returned. Our goal for this year is 400 boxes - 375 in person and 25 online. Please pray that God will use these shoeboxes to open hearts to Jesus and his gift of salvation. Also ask God how he would like YOU to be involved . . . by volunteering, getting children or grandchildren involved, packing a shoebox (or 2 or 10 or whatever number God lays on your heart), praying as a family for the shoebox recipients, or however God leads.

“And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere….to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8