Kids Check-In
Here at Castine we really want to make sure everyone who comes to our church can be confident that their children are safe when they drop them off in our kids ministry area. So, we will be implementing a slight change in the kids ministry that we believe will increase safety and help instill that confidence.
You may have noticed that around the building there are a few places where you’ll find touch screens on tall stands. There is one at the entrance to the kids’ area and one by each of the connection centers. You may have wondered what those are. Good question! These are kids ministry check-in stations. These stations allow you to check your children in before service begins. This keeps our teachers informed of who is in their class each week and who should be picking each child up from class after service. So, we want to encourage you to begin checking your children in before service begins, if you're not already doing so. If you need help checking your child in, our connections and kids ministry volunteers are here to help!