Congregational Agreements

Castine uses a Congregational Agreement to connect someone officially to its ministry. All who sign an Agreement agree to fulfill its obligations to each other and to Jesus, the head of the church. The signing of an Agreement should not be perfunctory. Instead, serious reflection should occur before signing. God, through the writer of Ecclesiastes, says, “When you vow a vow to God, do not delay paying it, for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you vow. It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay. Let not your mouth lead you into sin, and do not say before the messenger that it was a mistake.” (Ecclesiastes 5:4-6) A vow is a “solemn promise to do a specific thing.” Some may think comparing the signing of an Agreement with a vow is too aggressive. For those who may feel this way, I remind you of the holy work of the Church. Jesus is building His Church, and Castine shares in this global work. Anyone who signs an Agreement at Castine connects with the purpose of Jesus in shaping His world through the Church. Indeed, an Agreement is a vow that God expects to be fulfilled.
Rather than sign once and forget the importance of an Agreement, we at Castine re-sign our Agreements each year. Re-signing an Agreement is a time of reflection, commitment, and faithfulness to Jesus. We reflect on what we agree to listed on the Agreement; we commit to partnering with others who sign to advance Castine goals and values in Darke County; we vow our faithfulness to Jesus to join Him in His eternal work of building His Church.
Each current Agreement expires on November 5, 2023. There are two methods for re-signing: electronic and paper. To re-sign electronically, you should visit the Castine Church App. If you prefer to sign the paper Agreement, Castine Elders will make them available on September 17 and 24, and you may contact the church office for more information should you need to sign at a different time. If you are signing an Agreement for the first time (this is only for those signing the first time), you must attend the Castine Family Class before signing. The next classes are on August 13 and October 29.
A current Congregational Agreement is required to vote at a Castine business meeting. The annual business meeting is on November 12, 2023. Please give consideration now to ensuring that your Agreement is current.