Castine Outreach Newsletter July 2023

Volunteer Opportunities – As recovery continues in Dawson Springs, KY, there are openings for July 9-15, Sept. 10-16, and Oct. 8-14. BDM is working with Habitat for Humanity, building new houses to replace ones destroyed by the tornadoes of Dec. 2021.
Our Nov. 5-11 crew will be going to eastern KY. This is a second BDM site that will be open for ten weeks in the fall. The work will be recovery from the flooding of July 2022. The housing site will be in Campton with volunteers repairing damaged homes in Jackson. Volunteers are needed. Transportation, housing, meals, and tools are provided. Plan ahead and join a crew! Call/text Burt Wolf at 937-287-5902 or  
Sewing Bee/CWS Prep – On Saturday, June 24 at 9:00 AM, a Sewing Bee/Church World Service (CWS) Prep will be held at Greenville COB, 421 Central Avenue. Sewers need to bring a sewing machine to make school bags for CWS. Non-sewers will prep items for school kits and hygiene kits. Bring a sack lunch and come for a time of service and fellowship. For more information contact Barb Brower at 937-336-2442.  Click Here for a flyer with the 2023 schedule.
Oakland Garage Sale Benefits BDM - There will be a garage sale at Oakland COB, 8058 Horatio Harris Creek Rd., Bradford. It is on Wednesday, June 28, 5-8PM, Thursday, June 29, 9AM-6PM, and Friday, June 30, 9AM-4PM. This will include a lunch stand and bake sale. Proceeds will go to S. Ohio/KY District Brethren Disaster Ministries. Spread the word and plan to attend!
Ice Cream Social – Mark your calendar for Saturday, August 5, 4:00 – 7:00 PM at Happy Corner COB. Come for supper, pie, and ice cream. In the sanctuary there will be musical entertainment. Share-A-Meal tickets will be on sale, and you can turn in and/
or get a coin collection jar. All proceeds benefit the work of S. Ohio/KY BDM.
Share-A-Meal Hosts – Help BDM by hosting a Share-A-Meal! Hosts choose the date, number of guests, and the menu for a meal at their home. At the upcoming Ice Cream Social, tickets will be sold for $20 each. All enjoy fellowship and a delicious meal while supporting BDM. To become a host, call/text Paula Connerley at 937-266-7171 or
Golf Scramble – On Saturday, August 19 the annual Golf Scramble will be held at Beechwood Golf Course. Click Here for an informational brochure with a registration form.  This event is sponsored by the S. Ohio/KY District Camping and Retreat Ministries and BDM. Send all registration and sponsorship forms and money to Kevin Dull 554 Westbrook Rd., Brookville, OH 45309. For more information contact Kevin at (937-604-3285),