Easter Hope 2023
Of all the events that Christians celebrate, none is more prominent than Easter, and for good
reason. The Apostle Paul said it this way, “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in
vain, and your faith is in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:14) Paul based everything pertaining to the
hope of heaven and the belief that God will help us now to confidence in the time of our death on the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. Therefore, if Easter is not a historical reality, then nothing of
which Christianity consists has credibility.
So on April 9th, we come together for many good reasons. We worship God, like any Sunday;
we enjoy the company of those who, too, value sharing the Christian life; we, by our presence,
testify there is more to life than what exists in the natural realm; we remind ourselves that all
who have died in Jesus await a reunion with us; and, finally, we proclaim that Jesus is not a
statue or a dead man in history or “crutch” by which to find purpose in life, even though we do
not believe it. On this day, we share a corporate confidence that Jesus is actually with us now, in
the future, and forever because the tomb could not hold Him, and death bows before Him.
If there is no resurrection, the Apostle Paul also adds that the Cross of Jesus has no value. “And
if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians
15:17) Christian churches display the cross and wear it around their necks. Many recognize the
finished work of the cross to remove sin’s barrier between a person and heaven because Jesus
satisfied sin’s demands for all who surrender their lives to Him. However, Paul says without
Jesus’ resurrection, there is no finished work on the cross.
Easter (a word not mentioned in the Bible) is a special Sunday. Globally, Christians will gather
for much more than a traditional Sunday. It is the day to remember that everything we hope and believe as followers of Jesus hinges on the reality of the resurrection!
So, invite a friend and come celebrate hope, joy, reality, and a forever heaven because Jesus
This year we will have two services along with breakfast. The first service starts at 8:00,
breakfast from 9:00-10:30, and the final service begins at 10:45.
reason. The Apostle Paul said it this way, “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in
vain, and your faith is in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:14) Paul based everything pertaining to the
hope of heaven and the belief that God will help us now to confidence in the time of our death on the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. Therefore, if Easter is not a historical reality, then nothing of
which Christianity consists has credibility.
So on April 9th, we come together for many good reasons. We worship God, like any Sunday;
we enjoy the company of those who, too, value sharing the Christian life; we, by our presence,
testify there is more to life than what exists in the natural realm; we remind ourselves that all
who have died in Jesus await a reunion with us; and, finally, we proclaim that Jesus is not a
statue or a dead man in history or “crutch” by which to find purpose in life, even though we do
not believe it. On this day, we share a corporate confidence that Jesus is actually with us now, in
the future, and forever because the tomb could not hold Him, and death bows before Him.
If there is no resurrection, the Apostle Paul also adds that the Cross of Jesus has no value. “And
if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians
15:17) Christian churches display the cross and wear it around their necks. Many recognize the
finished work of the cross to remove sin’s barrier between a person and heaven because Jesus
satisfied sin’s demands for all who surrender their lives to Him. However, Paul says without
Jesus’ resurrection, there is no finished work on the cross.
Easter (a word not mentioned in the Bible) is a special Sunday. Globally, Christians will gather
for much more than a traditional Sunday. It is the day to remember that everything we hope and believe as followers of Jesus hinges on the reality of the resurrection!
So, invite a friend and come celebrate hope, joy, reality, and a forever heaven because Jesus
This year we will have two services along with breakfast. The first service starts at 8:00,
breakfast from 9:00-10:30, and the final service begins at 10:45.