Women's Ministry Newsletter December 2022
It is December. The close of the year 2022. We have had a busy year that found us reaching outside ourselves and the walls of Castine Church. In March we had an uplifting and challenging IF:GATHERING. In April some of us participated in the Prayer Walk for the Darke County Pregnancy Help Center. Our May Dine and Discover was a baby shower for the Pregnancy Help Center and Jeannette Schuff, the Director, came and spoke to us about the center and their needs as well as what they do for women in Darke County. Through all of this amazing women were continuing to sew pillowcases for those in need. September’s Dine and Discover was all about what’s happening in the County schools for Christ, and how we can come alongside and pray for their needs, their leaders, and the children they are reaching who are desperate to learn about a God who loves them unconditionally. Just last month, in November we had a Motherhood United event with brunch, and a craft, and a talk about how Mary must have had a very different expectation for the first Christmas. But she focused on Jesus. So when the turkey burns, or the in-laws are late we need to take a deep breath and focus on the reason for the season. Everyone in attendance said they had a great time visiting without being rushed, and they wanted to do it again. So we will, sometime next spring. The leadership team of Women’s Ministries is always happy to have your input. You can reach us through the Church App; leave a message at the connection centers before or after service; or call the office and your message will be forwarded. We look forward to a new year full of new and exciting ways to serve the Lord and Grow Godly Women.