Women's Ministry Updates

Members of Women’s Ministry are busy working on pillowcases for hospice. If you missed the announcement during worship service several weeks ago, we have extended our ministry of pillowcases to hospice care. Both Hospice of Greenville and Dayton were excited to begin receiving pillowcases. Whenever possible the client/patient chooses his/her pillowcase. Because we have added these to our outreach, we now need 1500 pillowcases every year. This is an exciting new goal for us and something that we hope blesses many individuals and families. Tallies of the number of cases turned in and where they are going will be posted on our Facebook page and on the Sunday morning slides. Thanks to everyone who is able to participate.

If sewing is not your “thing” do not despair, we will soon be working with the Darke County Pregnancy Help Center.  There are so many ways that we can assist them I am sure something with speak to your heart.

New Classes and opportunities to meet your sisters in Christ will be available as the new year comes. Your leadership team hopes you will join us.